N.H. legislator wants to increase gas tax

November 30, 2008 Seacoast Online CONCORD (AP) — A grim financial outlook for highway construction in New Hampshire has some state lawmakers considering a gasoline-tax increase. Rep. David Campbell, D-Nashua, who led a study of the state’s highway fund, said...

Democrats still want to raise your taxes

November 30, 2008 Union Leader State House Dome: Concord talk turns to taxes, lots of them WHILE ALL the talk in Concord is about budget cuts, no one’s talking about taxes. That will change — soon. When the Legislature starts work in January, it will...

Budgets cuts but not the fat?

November 23, 2008 Union Leader New Hampshire has recklessly spent beyond its means, and Gov. John Lynch’s new budget cuts confirmed that last week. The governor said of his $53.6 million in spending cuts, “We are not cutting fat; instead we are making the...

More plans to raise your taxes

November 23, 3008 Fosters CONCORD — A hearing on setting up a quasi-publicly funded campaign financing system for the state was momentarily interrupted Friday when the chairman asked about students standing in the back of the room. They were there with State Sen....

Expanded Gambling – Just Say NO

November 20, 2008 WMUR-TV With Budget Shortfall Looming, Will Gambling Expand? Supporters Say Video Slots Could Help State’s Bottom Line CONCORD, N.H. — New Hampshire lawmakers have routinely rejected allowing video slot machines in the state, agreeing...

Fisherman angry about saltwater registry, licensing fee

November 18, 2008 Seacoast Online Democrats will collapse fishing industry with more fees PORTSMOUTH — Among the topics that will be discussed at a Fish and Game meeting on Thursday is a saltwater angler registry that will come with a licensing fee, and charter...