Kindergarten Suit Filed in Hudson

October 11, 2008 Hudson-Litchfield News Hudson School Board has voted to file suit in New Hampshire’s Supreme Court because they believe that legislation passed and signed into law by Governor John Lynch is unconstitutional. “It’s not that we are against...

Company Saves Smokers From Tax Increase

From the Union Leader (partial article) SMOKEY SNAFU: The tobacco tax wasn’t supposed to be this messy. It was supposed to go up a quarter this year and raise between $18 million and $23 million. But then lawmakers tried a clever way of keeping grocers happy....

NH Advantage Best Beauty Queen Answer

According to Drew Cline’s blog, here is the answer NH Governor Lynch gave when asked how he would preserve the NH Advantage. At the gubernatorial forum at NHIOP, John Lynch and Joe Kenney were asked what is their plan for maintaining and preserving the NH...

The $300M Deficit That Never Was

From the Union Leader The $300 million deficit John Lynch just said here at the governor’s forum at NHIOP that the state faced a $300 million deficit when he took office. Not true. That was a projection, but it never materialized. He said the budget increased only 5...

Party of the rich and out of state money

September 28, 2008 Union Leader (Partial article) OUT-OF-STATE MONEY: The Manchester Republican Committee last week took a swipe at Democrats over the amount of campaign funds they raise from out-of-state sources. It’s been no secret that Republicans...

Bleeding red ink, Concord drains more

September 26, 2008 Union Leader The U.S. economy is teetering because millions of people obligated themselves to spend money they didn’t have — on the hope that enough cash to pay the bills would materialize sometime in the future. On Wednesday the state...