Gary Roberge Resigns From NH Assessing Standards Board

by Ed Naile Is somebody taking their bat and glove home from the game? What, the rules changed and suddenly we don’t want to play any more? Tsk, tsk. Everything was peachy and keen when certain people made up the rules, but just as soon as the going gets...

On Ned Helms, the Governor and NH Healthcare: Follow the Money

by Ed Naile The Helms Affair: (And they say there isn’t enough money in NH for health care). So you think Ned Helms the “volunteer” on Lynch the Governor’s team was just an ordinary office helper whisked from his position by partisan politics? Think again....

Vote Fraud 2004

by Ed Naile Voter fraud is “in the news” today in the “Manchester Paper”. Once again a “reporter” has drafted an article (actually two) about voter fraud in NH that whips a mighty spin on the facts as she understands them. And not surprisingly, the two stars of the...