Open Letter to Rep Steven Smith (R-Charlestown)

Dear Rep. Smith (R-Charlestown) Many NH voters are appalled at the creation of this new committee mentioned in this article. Affordable housing issue front and center ahead of NH House session...

House Committee Should ITL SB 538

Analysis of SB 538 Section 2 Original bill allows office-to-residential conversion. Amendment allows from office, commercial or industrial to residential. Section 3 If the legislative body of a municipality adopts this section, gives the municipality’s governing body...

NH’s Housing “Crisis”

This is an op-ed by Representative Len Turcotte (R-Barrington) NH’s Housing “Crisis” For the past few years, we have heard a continuous drumbeat emanating from every possible quadrant that New Hampshire is in the midst of a housing crisis. Like a myriad of other...

Why the NH Senate Should Kill HB 1399

Analysis of HB 1399 – Local Control is stripped from municipalities with a statewide, one-size-fits-all mandate. – Unfunded mandates, forces municipalities to upgrade water and sewer systems. – The character of neighborhoods will be gradually and...

Op-Ed by NH Representative Len Turcotte

This op-ed appeared in the Union Leader on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Len Turcotte: Accessory Dwelling Unit is a deceptive term for ‘rental unit’ LESS THAN a century ago, an individual who possessed a “cult of personality” rose to power and attempted to...