CNHT Supports CACR 15

CNHT stands with Granite State Taxpayers and with all citizens who are outraged at an activist court’s ruling that a fundamental right to legal redress, existing since the founding of our State, can be simply tossed aside. All NH citizens and our Legislature need to...

When a Tax is a Tax on Income

Advancing NH Public Education must hate seniors. At least that is what we can only surmise from their less than impressionable mention of Senator Andy Sanborn’s effective effort to reduce and eventually eradicate the NH state tax on interest and dividends. New...

HB 1786, 1788, 1789 Testimony

David Taylor of RTKNH, provided the testimony to the House Judiciary Committee in support of HB 1786, 1788, and 1789. (See bill descriptions at the link) These bills intend to help keep the cost down and availability up of public records. Read...

Commuter Rail for NH? (HB 2018)

According to this report Commuter rail gets support at House panel’s hearing on 10-year transportation plan. The article states: “The cost of actually restoring passenger rail has been estimated at $250 million to $300 million, much of which could come...

RTK-NH Gives Testimony in Favor of SB 555

David Saad, a member of RTK-NH, appeared at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing and testified in support of SB 555 which is a bill that would establish an ombudsman for RTK disputes. Read more…

HB 1579 Would Provide More Transparency

HB 1579 requires records to be kept for certain exempt convenings under the right-to-know law. David Taylor, a member of RTK-NH, provided the testimony to the House Judiciary Committee in support of HB 1579. “The total secrecy of consultation with legal counsel...