A new bill filed by Representatives Robert Theberge, Yvonne Thomas, Larry Laflamme, and Edith Tucker is thought to be hostile to homeschool freedoms. HB 1263 seeks to reinstate the pre-2012 evaluation requirements. This would again make homeschoolers subjected to the...
Eight months ago, David Bates was part of an uprising of conservatives in New Hampshire’s House of Representatives that stalled the state budget process until the legislators could reach a more fiscally responsible standard. “We want to focus on education choice and...
From NHFC-Ontarget.org “Rep. Hoell serves as NHFCs corporate secretary and has introduced HB 1749. HB 1749 was written with the assistance of Attorney Michael Hammond who is a New Hampshire resident and serves as Legislative Counsel to our partners at Gun Owners...
Apparently Rep Norman Silber who represents Gilford and Meredith, thinks so. He is a co-sponsor, along with six other representatives, of House Bill 440, which would repeal the I&D tax. The House Ways and Means Committee recently held a hearing on the bill, and...
This is nothing new. Find out why… “So it might have seemed “off” last week to see Sanborn and his fellow Republicans on the Senate Ways and Means Committee voting against bills to cut taxes while Democrats were arguing for them. The key to...
On January 3 and 4, one of the first actions of our NH Legislators will be to vote on retained bills from the 2017 session. You may want to voice your opinion on the following bills before January 3. THIS IS A RIGHT TO KNOW ISSUE HB 471, Abortion Statistics: Support...