Two Restrictive Firearms Bills (HB 1566, HB 1406) 2018

HB 1566, introduced by Rep. Delmar Burridge (D-Cheshire 16) would ban the carrying of firearms in many areas of the state. HB 1566 is a frontal assault on your right to bear arms. Rep. Timothy Horrigan (D-Strafford 6) has introduced HB 1406 which will void your...

CNHT Needs Bill Reviewers, Trackers

CNHT is looking for volunteers to track NH legislation, alert us to when the bills will be heard before House and Senate committees, and ultimately, when they will be voted upon by both full bodies. The best way to prepare for this task is to become trained in bill...

NH Senate Press Release on Toll Hikes

The New Hampshire Senate Republican Majority Office Senators oppose turnpike toll hike Concord, NH – The Governor’s Advisory Commission on Intermodal Transportation (GACIT) held a public hearing on Monday regarding the Department of Transportation plan for a statewide...

About the NH Tax Shift Plan

To understand what Rep. Henle’s NH Tax Shift Plan is all about, please read back to previous efforts to impose a broad-based tax on NH residents. Susan Almy’s Tax ‘Summit’ Henle’s plan seems to be a bill from 2015, but you never know when...

Right to Know HB 1156 Must Be Killed

The NH Right to Know group worked for several months on RSA 91-A to make the law work better for citizens and so that Judges would not give public officials so many passes on violations. Marge Smith chairwoman of the NH House Judiciary asked Cordell Johnston, lobbyist...

Right to Know – the Sharpest Tool in the Box

Here at CNHT we’ve often referred to RSA 91-A “right to know” law as the “sharpest tool in the box”. And it’s undergoing some scrutiny and possible changes. In 2014, the New Hampshire Legislature is considering seven bills making...