Appointed, Not Elected?

The push is toward regionalism, and appointed, not elected officials. HB 1266 – This is NHMA policy bill that would allow towns to vote to authorize the appointment of the town clerk by the selectmen or town manager. Current law requires the town clerk to be...

HB 244 Hearing January 14

Senate Bill 244 sponsored by David Watters, (Barrington, Dover, Rollinsford and Somersworth), will be heard next Tuesday, January 14, at 9:00 AM in Room 100 of the State Capital Building in Concord by theJudiciary Committee. This astonishingly bad bill profiles and...

Bill Updates

Some of the things legislators voted to do: (2013) – Kill the repeal of the business tax credit system for school choice – Kill the Democrat gas tax increase – Kill the Democrat tobacco tax increase – Stop the re-implementation of the...

Too Many Questions Remain on SB 11

Although SB 11 has passed the Senate, it is still being considered in the House and won’t be subject to a full vote until May 22, 2013. The bill was sponsored by Sen. Stiles, Dist 24; Sen. Prescott, Dist 23; Rep. Abrami, Rock 19; Rep. Copeland, Rock 19; Rep....

SB 48 Out of Committee

SB 48 passed the House Ed Committee. The good news is that both the Democrats and Republicans had ISSUES with the idea of ASSESSING student “dispositions”. That word was removed with an amendment. Unfortunately schools will be labeled...