This is an op-ed by Representative Len Turcotte (R-Barrington) NH’s Housing “Crisis” For the past few years, we have heard a continuous drumbeat emanating from every possible quadrant that New Hampshire is in the midst of a housing crisis. Like a myriad of other...
Analysis of HB 1399 – Local Control is stripped from municipalities with a statewide, one-size-fits-all mandate. – Unfunded mandates, forces municipalities to upgrade water and sewer systems. – The character of neighborhoods will be gradually and...
This op-ed appeared in the Union Leader on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Len Turcotte: Accessory Dwelling Unit is a deceptive term for ‘rental unit’ LESS THAN a century ago, an individual who possessed a “cult of personality” rose to power and attempted to...
Some elements in our state are trying to force longtime-established single-family zoned neighborhoods into multi-family neighborhoods. Their goal is to eradicate the suburbs and morph towns into cities. We urge the NH Senate to reject HB 1291 on the following basis:...
HB 1399 is being heard by the Senate Commerce Committee. Contact the committee to ask them to ITL.,,,,,...
We’ve all heard the stories — someone breaks into a home while the owner is away and then claims they have the right to live there. They may even produce documents that show they signed a lease and paid rent. Turns out not all squatters are simple...