SB 180 is a bill that establishes a restitution fund for people who were defrauded by FRM. The people who were defrauded, most of whom appear to live outside New Hampshire, are seeking compensation from the New Hampshire State Government for their losses. This...
Tomorrow, April 16, 2013, SB 152, the infamous casino bill will come before the House Finance committee at 10:00 AM in Representatives Hall at the State House in Concord. This bill seeks to establish one high-end casino here in New Hampshire. We need your help in...
The New Hampshire Senate MAJORITY OFFICE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 5, 2013 CONTACT Tom Cronin 603.264.5659 GOP Members of Joint Health Care Oversight Committee Call Out Governor Hassan on Broken Promises and Lack of Transparency Concord, NH – Republican...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL 3rd, 2013 Contact: 603-271-3665 House Republican Leaders Comment on Passage of Fiscally Irresponsible Budget CONCORD – House Republican Leader Gene Chandler (R-Bartlett) and Ranking Republican on the House Finance Committee, Rep. Neal Kurk...
The full vote on HB 135, to repeal the stand your ground law and further erode your right to defend yourself while giving criminals more rights, will be taken on March 27th. Please write to the House of Representatives and ask them to OPPOSE HB 135
On WEDNESDAY the NH House will vote on HB 617 which would increase the gasoline and diesel tax in the state by 67%. This unnecessary burden and job-killing tax hike on our families and business owners must be stopped. Contact your House Members today and ask them to...