Please call or write your State Reps (if you have not already done so) to urge them to OPPOSE HB 135. HB 135 is a bill that eliminates the 2011 provision allowing a person to use deadly force anywhere he or she has a right to be, (negatively) amends the definition of...
This week, the NH Public Works and Highways committee voted “Ought to Pass” on HB 617, which deals with “Increasing the rate of the road toll, increasing the vehicle registration fee, and establishing the New Hampshire state and municipal road and...
From former Speaker Bill O’Brien: Here is the LIST OF GOP REPS WHO VOTED TO INCREASE NEW HAMPSHIRE’S GAS TAX BY A BILLION DOLLARS David Hess (Hooksett), Deputy Republican Leader Shawn Jasper (Hudson), Republican Whip Frank Tilton (Laconia)* Mark McConkey...
From the Honorable Gregory Hill: Here are the real facts about the N.H. education tax credit program Cathy Merwin’s endorsement in Tuesday’s paper described the new education tax credit program as badly as any letter I’ve yet seen. As one of the...
This month, there will be 5 regional NH House hearings in the NH state budget. This is your chance to show up and say that you are against the proposed gas tax increase, the cigarette tax increase, the budget increase and that you want to see the budget CUT so that...
The Senate has yet to schedule a vote on HB 370, which would prevent low income families from receiving a tax credit if they choose to send their children to private schools instead of public schools. If we cannot stop this bill, this fundamental right of parents to...