Expanded Gambling (SB 152)

SB 152 is a bill that would authorize the building of a high-end casino in the Granite State. Sponsored by Senator Lou D’Allesandro, Governor Hassan testified in full support of the legislation. In fact, she claimed that the social impacts of gambling already exist...

Got a Woodstove? Watch Out!

HB 307, forcing homeowners to remove and destroy their wood stoves when they sell their home, and report it to NH DES, was killed in the NH House, 338-9. You can keep your stove! Who would dare sponsor such a monstrous violation of property rights? Peter Schmidt...

Upcoming Hearings (HB 290, HB 609, HB 451, HB 396)

Upcoming hearings on guns: All hearings are before the House CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY Committee, in Representatives Hall. 10:00 AM – HB 290-FN, prohibiting unlicensed persons from openly carrying a pistol or revolver in a public building. 11:00 AM...

Important Meetings

Nip these private corporate interests in the bud. NH Listens is the PR firm of a private corporation that has been embraced by our public universities. They are NOT representing the voice of the ‘community’ as they claim. They are attempting to steer the...

Stop Common Core (HB 479)

To get Common Core out of our schools, folks should get behind HB 479 introduced by Rep. JR Hoell. Contact the House Education Committee and ask them to support this bill next Tuesday, February 19th. This bill restores the independence and local self-governance of...

Repeal Overreaching Gun Law (HB 451)

A public hearing will be held on HB 451, repealing the license requirement for carrying a concealed pistol or revolver on February 21, 2013 at 1:00 PM in Representatives Hall, Legislative Office Building, 33 North State Street, Concord. Read the text of HB 451 and...