Open Carry Would be Made a Felony (HB 290)

HB 290 will have a hearing on Thursday, February 21 at 10:00 AM in Representatives Hall. HB 290 makes it a FELONY for open carry in public buildings. It prohibits a person who is not licensed to carry a pistol or revolver from openly carrying a pistol or revolver in a...

Keno and Gambling (HB 485 and HB 520)

HB 485 Allows the operation and playing of keno games; provides for licensing of keno game operators by the lottery commission; directs revenues from keno to the education trust fund. HB 520 establishes a committee to study implementing keno in the state of New...

Opt-Out of Medicaid Expansion (HB 271)

HB 271 is a bill that will allow New Hampshire to opt-out of the federal government’s Medicaid expansion plan. If we were to accept this significant expansion, New Hampshire citizens would have fewer healthcare choices, higher costs, and less services while being...

Competency Based Learning SB 82

The Senate Health, Education and Human Services Committee held a hearing on a bill to institute Competency Based Learning in NH (SB 82) and there were no opponents present. However, most people who understand that it is merely a repackaging of OBE and other school...

HB 185 Would Raise Taxes on Fuel Oil

HB 185 would increase the fuel oil discharge cleanup fund fee. “A fee of [$.01] $0.0125 per gallon of fuel oil shall be assessed at the time of importation into this state.” This raises the tax by 25%. The bill’s sponsors are Rep. L. Webb, Merr 3;...

Delmar Burridge Pushes for Income Tax (HB 330)

Delmar Burridge, (D) Cheshire District 16, is seen here promoting a bill that would allow “counties to adopt a county income tax to be administered by the department of revenue administration.” The bill is co-sponsored by Timothy Robertson (D) Cheshire...