NH’s Manufactured Housing “Crisis”

“Alexa Carpenter: NH’s Housing Crisis: a product of vocal NIMBYs and a silent majority” is misleading and wrong. First of all, Carpenter typically cites a Saint Anselm College poll with the claim that “two-thirds of New Hampshire voters agree...

SB 231 Boondoggle Must be Stopped

The NH Senate Finance Committee will surely recommend Ought to Pass (OTP) for SB 231, a $75M tax giveaway to developers for the purpose of building high-density/low-income housing in NH. Tell your Senators to vote NO on the floor and then let this bill cross over to...

HCR1 Fails Thanks to Democrats

While we were busy watching for HCR4 (a bill to call for a Constitutional Convention) to come up for a floor vote in the NH House of Representatives, little did we realize that HCR1, another resolution calling for an Article V Convention, also known as a Convention of...

Tell the NH House NO on HCR4

HCR4 is a bill to call for an Article V Convention. It is due to come up for a floor vote in the NH House of Representatives. HCR4 Text If the House does not kill this bill, they will have paved the way for “A MORE PROGRESSIVE CONSTITUTION”. In fact, there...

Article V Convention – Take Action!

Article V Convention – Take Action! Read why the AVC MUST BE STOPPED and share with your friends and groups. IF there is no chance of replacing the constitution with a new “progressive” one, WHY HAVE THEY WRITTEN MORE THAN THREE NEW VERSIONS IN...

For the Rabid Rail Proponents

by Jane Aitken, Vice Chair Responding to Bill Granfield’s Letter to the Editor of Friday, May 31, 2019 on Commuter Rail Sunday, June 2, 2019 I’d like to correct some statements made by Bill Granfield in this May 31 letter: Commuter Rail is considered so “last...