Tax Bills 2020

It goes without saying that you should direct the various committees to OPPOSE/ITL all of these bills which will raise taxes. Some are taxes upon other taxes! The contact information is linked to the committee names. Each bill is linked to information on its hearing...

Election Law Bills 2020

The following bills deal with elections and election law. Hearing dates if set, are noted after the bill number. Bills are organized by committee. CNHT’s analysis is added in BLUE. HOUSE Election Law Committee to Hear These Bills =============================...

Do Something Important for Your Annual Meetings

A chance for House of Representatives to do something really important for annual meetings would be to co-sign this bill by Jeanine Notter (R-Merrimack) HB 1309 This bill requires towns and school districts to be bound by votes on petitioned warrant articles. HB 1309...

The Governor’s Plan: Housing Bills

PLEASE TAKE ACTION ON THESE BILLS REGARDING HOUSING AND MUNICIPAL ISSUES BEFORE THEIR HEARING DATES Even if a bill has already had its hearing, you can still send your testimony by email because a decision whether to recommend the bill is not made immediately. On...

Right to Know Bills to Be Examined

Right to Know NH will meet on Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 9:00 A.M. in Concord, NH. We will discuss our positions on the following Right-to-Know bills submitted for this legislative session. HB1202: relative to matters discussed in nonpublic session Sponsors: Rep....

CO2 and the Downeaster

by Dick Lemieux In her Nov. 5 letter, Jennifer J. Smith questions whether the Downeaster’s average occupancy can be only 20 passengers per train. She counters with her own estimate that it carries about 150 passengers per trip. It’s an irrelevant statistic, but it’s...