Squatter’s Rights?

We’ve all heard the stories — someone breaks into a home while the owner is away and then claims they have the right to live there. They may even produce documents that show they signed a lease and paid rent. Turns out not all squatters are simple...

Quasi-Governmental Groups and Ethics

The NH Advantage is under attack. Sadly your own tax dollars are being used against you. Regional planning groups, state-created “commissions” (basically taxpayer-funded lobbyists created by Governors when they can’t get their bills passed normally)...

The End of Single-Family Zoning

This pamphlet defines the issue and the problems with the attack on single-family zoning. The note to journalists would be well-heeded by us all. “A note to journalists If you are writing or speaking about single-family zoning, please take care to use...

Taxpayer Group Letter to the Candidates

Dear Candidates for NH Senate and House: We’ll get to the bottom line right away but hope candidates and current legislators will read this in full to get yourselves up to speed. The bottom line: the issue of zoning being taken over by the Feds via AFFH (refers...

Justice Served

by Ed Naile Wanted: Health Officer, Must Have People Skills, Apply, Town of Washington. It seems the Health Officer in the Town of Washington, NH, has been either relieved of his duties or resigned a day after trying to force the local store into compliance with an...