Eminent Domain Rears Its Ugly Head

Update August 15, 2007 On August 10, 2007, the Carroll County Superior Court found in favor of Sam Bourne. The road does not exist, and there is no provision in the easement for such activities. Therefore, there is no right for motorized vehicles to be allowed to run...

Big Brother Meets Grandfathered

by Ed Naile It looks like we have a small victory for property rights in Weare, NH. July 3, I represented a homeowner in front of the Weare ZBA. He had a Cease and Desist Order placed on his property because the Code Enforcement Officer, Chip Meaney (not kidding)...

Eminent Domain in Weare, NH

by Ed Naile Logan Darrow Clements, purveyor of “FreeLoaderMedia,” just finished leading his lemming march over the cliffs of Weare, NH in a failed from the beginning effort to send a message to US Supreme Court Justice David Souter for his anti-property rights vote in...

What a Coincidence

by Ed Naile So we have this RSA 39:3 petition to the Weare voters to take Justice Souter’s house in that town by eminent domain for a Constitution Park in the style of the Kelo v. New London ruling Souter is so fond of. The petition is legal. All we need do now is...

We Hope Mr. Souter Has The Constitution For This

by Ed Naile Good old RSA 39:3 – 25 signatures and your citizens petitioned warrant article trots off to the selectmen for inclusion in the annual warrant. Don’t you love Town Meetings! I would say we have met that hurdle in the case of creating a “Constitution...

Wait! That’s Mommy’s House!

by Ed Naile Thought you would like to know about a little project CNHT has been working on since last week. We are all smart people here so I will cut to the chase. It is a warrant article and goes like this: We the undersigned voters of the Town of Weare petition the...