Lynch Executive Order Sets Up State Water Commission

What NH Governor John Lynch has done with educational “consortiums” and an NGO such as the National Governor’s Association to impose agendas on local schools, he is now doing with town governments with a new commission he created in 2011. By virtue...

Opt Out of Smart Meters (SB 266)

Contact the House Science, Energy, and Technology Committee and ask them to support SB 266 which would not allow smart meters to be installed without the homeowner’s consent. SB 266 would require folks to opt-in (not opt-out) to certain smart meter devices, such...

Restore Property Rights (HB 352)

Since the passage of SB 406, a ban on Involuntary Lot Merging, a new bill has been filed, HB 352, which will allow owners to request to have their property returned to its ‘pre merged’ state. Please see this HB 352 Remedy Paper on the topic. The first...

Hands Off JUA Funds!

Hands Off NH wants Governor Lynch to stop stealing. Why raise taxes – when you can just take the money? Governor John Lynch attempted one of the largest confiscations of private property in New Hampshire history. In order to pay for bigger budgets and wasteful...

Forced Lot Merging (SB 406)

SB 406 would prevent towns from forcing property owners to merge two smaller lots into one if they do not wish to do so on their own. This bill was PASSED by the Senate. Further, a warrant article in Gilford to stop this practice was passed… and the good news is...

Couple Fined $18K for Violation of CSPA

Lowell Sun A Massachusetts couple was fine $18,000 for supposedly violating the NH Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act on their lakefront property in NH after making alterations to their property for the purpose of making it more livable. “CONCORD, N.H. (AP)...