Couple Fined $18K for Violation of CSPA

Lowell Sun A Massachusetts couple was fine $18,000 for supposedly violating the NH Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act on their lakefront property in NH after making alterations to their property for the purpose of making it more livable. “CONCORD, N.H. (AP)...

Assessing Rental Property (HB 1345)

HB 1345 would allow municipal assessing officials to request rental, lease, and expense information from commercial and industrial properties for the purpose of determining market value. The information is considered confidential. The House Local and Regulated...

Smoking Ban (HB 1186)

A hearing will be held Thursday, February 11, 2010 in LOB Room 305 at 2:00 PM in Concord on a bill to prohibit smoking in certain areas of state parks and historic sites. House Bill 1186 was sponsored by Rep. Susan Kepner, Rep. Judith Day and Rep. David Bettencourt....

Government to Cap Your Salary (HB 1607)

UPDATE: The House Ways and Means Committee will hold a hearing on HB 1607 on February 9, 2010 at 1:00 PM in the LOB Room 202. This hearing is open to the public and will take public input. BACKGROUND: Small Business Owners, the NH legislature is about to determine...

Emergency Property Rights (HB 1344)

HB 1344 would amend the state’s power to take property during a declared state of emergency. The bill limits the type of private property that may be taken, requires quarantine of animals in appropriate cases, encourages advance planning by state agencies to limit the...

Repeal Tax on Campsites (HB 1445)

The House Ways and Means Committee today heard HB 1445 which would repeal the 9% tax on campsites. Please contact the Committee and ask them to SUPPORT this bill.