NH’s Master Plans – Who Gets To Say What’s in Them?

“Most towns in NH have what is called a “Master Plan”. It is a sort of wish list or projection for what towns would like to see accomplished in the future. But it has become more than just a list of repair and improvement projects. Lately it is more...

Alton Residents Dump Lakes Region Planning Commission

At Alton’s 2018 town meeting, there was a petitioned warrant article (#59) on the ballot which asked to raise the money to pay for the yearly membership in the Lakes Region Planning Commission. It FAILED. Over 401 people voted NO to essentially DEFUND the...

Bill Would Rein in RPCs (HB 1616)

HB 1616 is AN ACT requiring legislative approval for regional planning commissions to accept money from governmental sources other than the state of New Hampshire or its political subdivisions. “Before a commission may accept or receive any funds, grants, or...

Establishing a Council on the Creative Economy (SB 112)

SB 112 establishes a “council” on the creative economy. This bill creates a permanent council designed to identify opportunities to spend state and federal dollars to promote the creative economy. Creative economy is a term coined by John Howkins in 2001...

Moultonboro Selectman Punturieri: Pied-Piper, Flip-Flopper or Hypocrite?

Last week CNHT sent out an eBlast stressing the importance of attending your town meetings and deliberative sessions ESPECIALLY if you do not have SB2 where you can vote by ballot.  We mentioned that your town meeting is where you might vote on items which came from...