Repeal RGGI (HB 592)

HB 592 was amended to increase the rebate to ratepayers from 80% to 100%, giving relief to residents and businesses. Tell your Representatives and Senators to SUPPORT this bill.

HB 1573 Would Abolish RPCs

Representative Jane Cormier has filed a bill in the NH legislature to abolish RPCs. “She said that sheer number of references to the regional planning commissions in state statute belies the notion that they have only advisory authority.” “All of...

Planners Hire Group to Delphi Residents

Planners deny connection to UN Agenda 21 for “Sustainability” but US Government documents say otherwise. It is no secret that the attempt to implement the UN’s Agenda 21 “sustainability” plan through backdoor, unelected “regional...

RGGI Veto Must Be Overridden

SB 154 – repealing NH’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative was vetoed by Governor Lynch and should be overridden. Please contact your Senators and ask them to override the Governor’s veto.;...