The Delphi Technique

How to know when you are being railroaded… at town meetings, school meetings or any other board meetings where NGOs are present and imposing an agenda upon the people, and agenda for which they cannot vote. Note in the video the group putting on the presentation...

Local Government Center Files Right to Know Request

The Local Government Center (appropriately named) has filed a Right to Know request of Secretary of State Bill Gardner hoping to get information regarding an investigation of how they skim proceeds from selling insurance to NH municipalities. The NH Securities Bureau...

Transparency Bill (HB 331)

HB 331 is a bill relative to posting agency expenditures on the state transparency website, which will essentially put the state’s checkbook online. A public hearing for this bill will be at 10:30 AM on Thursday February 10, 2011 in the Legislative Office...

Please Sir, May I Have A Copy?

It’s officially “Right to Know Month” here in New Hampshire folks! Well, sort of. by Ed Naile, Chairman of CNHT The Neighborhood News Group still goes out and asks for public information just as a test. Recently they visited several municipalities hoping to get a look...

Artus Vs. Consentino – Atkinson

ATKINSON, NH – This is an update on a case that is going to depositions in March, regarding Mr. Polito the Moderator who led a vote to stop our CNHT photographer from taking pictures. So we may have some other resolution soon. Artus Vs Consentino

Recording Public Officials (HB 145)

Do you feel that, for public officials, “on the job” should mean “on the record?” Do you feel it is unjust for citizens to be threatened with years of jail time — for simply recording their interaction, in a public place, with a public...