Parents and Taxpayers Demand Truth about Program

A Bedford resident has asked the school district to be more transparent about the cost and political affiliations of Bedford High School’s International Baccalaureate program. Ann Marie Banfield went before the Bedford Curriculum Committee on Tuesday, Oct. 12, to...

Bedford School Board to Host Two Community Coffees

The Bedford School Board will host two coffees at the Bedford Library on Friday, September 24 and Tuesday, October 19, both at 9:30 AM. The coffees are an opportunity for board members to listen to members of the community and answer any questions including programs,...

Our Schools are Key to Societal ‘Transformation’

This report was prepared in 1997 for an Orange County School Board Hearing. Judging from how these failed goals and methods are still being pushed, we wonder how much of this warning was understood? For those who are career educators, much of this should sound...

Just How Much Damage is Being Done by IB?

Updated: How the UN is Taking Over Your Schools In this article about Communist idols in the Richmond Review: “Has art gone too far?”, a student admitted: “Communism in both China and Russia both caused massive famines, and were highly repressive...

Dumbing Down of Youth

The example of using a red correcting pen is not the only thing teachers are forbidden to do. Often they can’t effectively teach phonics, spelling, handwriting, traditional tried-and-true math algorithms or use other means of direct instruction. Instead,...

For Hollis: Schools Should Get Back to Basics

The Hollis School System has hired some ‘education industry consultants’ and is about to go over a cliff… if anyone can decipher what ‘changes’ are being described from the educational ‘newspeak’ contained in this Hollis...