Parents Want Say Over Son’s Placement

From the Concord Monitor District wants him in classroom; they don’t The parents of a Deering boy with severe disabilities want to know why the Hillsboro-Deering School Board won’t discuss a decision to place their son in the public school system against...

Time for a Change in Hillsboro-Deering

by Jerry Newton, Hillsboro Re “School board chairwoman resigns” (Monitor front page, June 18): It is extraordinarily noteworthy, yet omitted from Daniel Barrick’s slanted article, that John Segedy was duly elected by the townspeople to perform the...

Frustrating Response from Hillsboro-Deering School Board

by Cynthia Durham, Deering The first thing I noticed since I started attending Hillsboro-Deering School Board meetings were the attacks toward John Segedy by Babette Haley. The school board doesn’t want to become involved with anything. As parents we follow...

School Board Chairwoman Resigns

From the Concord Monitor She says colleague drove decision to go After a year and a half of rancorous conflict with another board member, Hillsboro-Deering School Board Chairwoman Babette Haley resigned from the board this week. Haley, who had served on the school...

Keene’s 34 West: When Government Doesn’t Listen

Voters in Keene have clearly instructed the city to sell property at 34 West Street. However, this property is still in the hands of the school district AND they are “giving away” the rent for $1 a year because they think they “hurt the...

Special Education Issues Mount up at Hillsboro-Deering

From the The Villager At the beginning of the Hillsboro-Deering school board on Monday, the parents of a middle school special education student asked to speak with the school board. At first they were told by acting chairman, Kathy Pepper that the board would not...