MVSD’s IB Program Lacks Transparency

Voters in the Merrimack Valley asked for more transparency for the school district’s “IB” program which has been imposed upon all schools. Resident Bill Murphy introduced a nonbinding resolution requesting the school board print all sources of...

Bill Would Merge SAUs (SB 23)

SB 23 is a bill to study the consolidation of SAU’s, (School Adminstrative Units) which centralizes power into the hands of a few. Better to eliminate SAU’s entirely and restore local self-governance. SB 23 would direct the school administrative unit...

Take CACR 8 Off the Table!

Take CACR 8 Off the Table and Pass It: Restore Educational Standards and Funding Decisions to the People CACR 8, the best constitutional fix to the Claremont decision, did not get the necessary 239 votes to pass the House last month. The vote was 222-133, just 17...

Senate Hearing on HB 1403 May 1

It is very important that public school parents, home school parents, and taxpayers alike show up and testify on the importance of passing HB 1403 if they wish to keep our tax dollars from going out of the country to pay for a program, International Baccalaureate,...

Support CACR 8

The House Education Committee votes on Tuesday, February 21st on CACR 8 which restores the “exclusive” right of the people to control their schools without State interference. CACR 8 also allows the State legislature to supplement the educational...

The Delphi Technique

How to know when you are being railroaded… at town meetings, school meetings or any other board meetings where NGOs are present and imposing an agenda upon the people, and agenda for which they cannot vote. Note in the video the group putting on the presentation...