CNHT Sells Out!?

by Ed Naile We sold out all right. The American Legion Hall in Hillsborough seats about 300 people and from noon until two o’clock we had a steady stream of activists and candidates coming to and stopping by our Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers Family Reunion...

PJ O’Rourke at CNHT

PJ gave his usually satirical commentary on the state of politics and politicians today. Feeling a bit nervous that the crowd wouldn’t shut up, he immediately put my mind at ease by turning that situation into a statement on how things should be. The rest of the...

12th Annual CNHT Picnic w/PJ O’Rourke a Success!

Almost 500 people attended the 12th Annual CNHT Picnic on Saturday July 10th at the Hillsborough American Legion. About 30 candidates and groups set up displays and there was plenty of food on hand. Among the prominent groups in attendance were the NH Liberty...

Join the Tea Party!

Americans all over the USA are uniting to protest the corruption, cheating, and looting that is going on at the federal level. Since 2007, they have been uniting together in protests called ‘Tea Parties’. Please join us in New Hampshire for a Tea Party on...

Taxpayer Teaparties are Sweeping the Nation

Taxpayers are revolting all over the USA in protest of state and federal government tax and spend mentalities, something that seems to be completely out of control. At this particular ‘tea party’ in California, 15,000 angry taxpayers showed up. People all...