Tax Cap Headed to Court

The city of Concord wants a judge to weigh in on whether a proposed tax cap is constitutional. Leaders of three state agencies sent the city a letter in September saying a tax cap set to be voted on by Concord residents next November would not conflict with state...

Rochester Concerned Taxpayers Speak

Good news indeed! After over a decade of banging away at the local liberals, we have a huge victory with the passage of the tax & spending cap. With 70% of the votes cast for the cap, Rochester’s voters sent the message loud and clear to the City Council,...

Rochester Wins One For the Taxpayers

Rochester Concerned Taxpayers Association Reaction to Passage of the Tax & Spending Cap Charter Change Amendment With 70% of the vote, the Rochester taxpayers sent the message loud and clear that we want smaller government and less spending. This overwhelming...

Push Polling is Illegal

Fosters ROCHESTER — Members of the Rochester Concerned Taxpayers Association claim an out-of-state company engaged in a smear campaign against the tax cap proposal on the Nov. 4 ballot. Push polling — the tactic in question, which entails pollsters using the guise of...

NH Advantage Best Beauty Queen Answer

According to Drew Cline’s blog, here is the answer NH Governor Lynch gave when asked how he would preserve the NH Advantage. At the gubernatorial forum at NHIOP, John Lynch and Joe Kenney were asked what is their plan for maintaining and preserving the NH...