Support HB 1342

Sponsored by Rep. Steve Vaillancourt and Rep. JR Hoell HB 1342 needs our support. It came out of committee ITL (inexpedient to legislate, a “no” recommendation). It is scheduled for a House floor vote this coming Wednesday, Feb 22. Please contact your...

New Policy At The NHDRA!?

by Ed Naile I stopped by the NH Dept of Revenue yesterday to look at the correspondence file for the Town of Newmarket. I have been reviewing DRA files since former Commissioner Phil Blatsos told his underlings back in about 2004 to let Mr. Naile see files when he...

Raising Your Taxes (CACR 6)

Last year the House passed CACR 6, a proposed Constitutional Amendment that would require a 3/5 majority of the legislature to pass any new or increased taxes or license fees. CNHT strongly supports this legislation because it allows the people of New Hampshire to set...

Is GSFTC Just Another Left-Wing Front Group?

Part I of “Is GSFTC Just Another Left-Wing Front Group?” – Please read the full article at HERE to take advantage of the links. Part II is now available here as well! More Connections – GSFTC Member Organization Spotlight – NH Citizens...

Remember When? “Just Three Dimes”

Remember when the school proponents in Bedford claimed that property taxes would only increase by “just three dimes”? Many homeowners have seen their bills go up as much as $4000. per year thanks to the $79M taj mahal of a high school that was built for...