Property Evaluations (HB 249)

HB 249 requires that procedures for updating assessments in a property revaluation for property tax purposes shall not include statistical updates based on sales data, but shall be based on visual inspection and practice of measure and list. A hearing will be held on...

Appeal Property Assessment (HB 316)

NH law currently permits towns to get an administrative warrant to come in to your home as part of the property assessment procedure. If you fight the warrant the town does not have to consider any appeal you make to your assessment. Rep. Andy Manuse has proposed HB...

Spending Caps (SB 2)

SB 2 (prime sponsor Senator David Boutin) would allow cities and towns under a charter, and towns, school districts, and other political subdivisions under the municipal budget act to adopt an annual limit on increases to the municipal budget. A hearing is scheduled...

A Modest (Budget Cutting) Proposal

by Steve MacDonald There are plenty of towns like mine trying to figure out where they can cut costs. But every conversation seems to end at cutting education or safety services. While I find it hard to believe that there is nothing else in a budget you can trim, I...

Proponents Say High Court Ruling on Tax Cap Not the Last Word

DOVER — For local supporters of a tax cap, the recent Supreme Court ruling that tax caps are in conflict with state law is not the final word in the matter. The decision was made Wednesday in response to a yearlong case involving the Manchester and the citizen group...

‘Fair Tax Coalition’ is Fueling Resentments to Push New Taxes

An excellent commentary on the push for sales and income taxes for NH by the Granite State Fair Tax Coalition [ which is neither local, NH-funded, nor fair ] appeared in the Telegraph. The writer remarked: Last Sunday, a guest commentary claimed New Hampshire’s...