They Call It “The Windsor Way”

by Ed Naile You mean Palm Beach Florida takes theft of municipal services seriously? Man, if you are a Windsor New Hampshire official you better steer clear of setting up shop down there when you retire. Here is the story from Florida Now look at the tiny blight on...

Foster’s Agrees GSFTC is After One Thing

An editorial in Foster’s agrees with the idea that GFSTC is simply ‘selling’ an income tax at their forums, which can hardly be called unbiased. They said, “It was billed as a forum to separate fact from fiction when it comes to the state...

GSFTC Singing Same Old Tune of More Taxes

Report From GSFTC Forum This is a firsthand report from the ‘fair’ tax forum that was held in Nashua last night. We can say we told you so. This reporter should have brought up these two studies (AIM and Yankee Institute – see ‘Documents’ in menu...

To TIF or Not to TIF?

Read up on Tax Increment Financing and how it is applied. Do you think TIFs are a good idea? Some miffed over TIF in Dover… “DOVER — Some people were in a tiff over a possible TIF district. The City Council is mulling designating an area of the city as a...

NH’s Business Climate is Among Worst

According to this article from NH Business Review NH is losing ground when it comes to being ‘business friendly’. “The perception of a welcoming business climate is propagated by the state’s lack of income and sales tax, said Roche, but other factors...

GSFTC to Hold Forums – Will Promote State Income Tax

There are many destructive groups that are working at the LOCAL level to raise your taxes. HOWEVER, they are funded and enabled by the VERY SAME PEOPLE doing the destruction at the state and federal levels. GSFTC is one of those groups. Please plan to attend one or...