Voters to Rally Statehouse for Many Bills March 10

Many important bills will reach the House and Senate for a vote on March 10, 2010. HB 1580 – (SUPPORT) Establishes that parents have a natural, fundamental right to determine and direct the education of their children. The bill also exempts children who are...

House Defeats Tax Cap Bill (HB 1522)

Taxpayers in Wolfboro took note that the House voted 202-148 to defeat House Bill 1522, which merely would have clarified the right of citizens to enact a tax cap in their municipality if they wished to do so. Now I don’t know about you, but that is a real slap...

Local Spending Caps (SB 488)

SB 488 would allow towns, school districts, and other political subdivisions to adopt a spending cap. A hearing by the Senate Public and Municipal Affairs Committee will take place on March 4, 2010 at 9:45 AM in Room 103 of the LOB. Please contact the Committee and...

Lawmakers Ready to Ax Business Tax

Nashua Telegraph Lawmakers ready to ax business tax CONCORD – The state’s controversial new tax on owners and investors in limited liability companies could disappear by its one-year anniversary. Gov. John Lynch and top leaders in the state Legislature have privately...

LLC Tax Hearing February 19

The Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules ( JLCAR) will hold a hearing on the LLC TAX on Friday, February 19, 2010 at 8:30 AM in the Legislative Office Building, 33 North State St. Concord, NH 03301 (603) 271-3321 This hearing will potentially determine...

New Current Use Assessments OK’d by Board

Follow-up to January 29, 2010 article. “Another hearing was held Jan. 22. If the proposed rates are approved, they will then be sent to the state for administrative review and could go into affect in April.” Assessment updates to New Hampshire’s current...