Calling All Taxpayers to Education Forum February 22 received the following invitation from The Commission to Study School Funding to join them on February 22nd from 4:30 to 6:00 PM for a briefing and discussion about the Commission’s main findings and recommendations – and next steps, including efforts toward...

Governors Do Not Cut Property Taxes, Mr. Volinsky

by Ed Naile Andru Volinsky, a candidate for NH governor, has a problem understanding how property taxes are paid in New Hampshire. He has lived here long enough to know that property taxes are paid at the local level and we have had, for several hundred years, Town...

Tax Bills 2020

It goes without saying that you should direct the various committees to OPPOSE/ITL all of these bills which will raise taxes. Some are taxes upon other taxes! The contact information is linked to the committee names. Each bill is linked to information on its hearing...

Is the Governor’s Plan Constitutional

Michael Kitch’s November 22, 2019 article in the NH Business Review; “Taking on NH’s housing ‘crisis’ – Task force’s recommendations ‘a long time coming’” praises the Governor’s new plan to manage housing in NH. The plan is not an...

GACIT Hearings Written Testimony

The following letter was sent to the DOT, EC4, and Governor Sununu by postal mail as testimony for the upcoming GACIT hearings on NH’s 10-year transportation plan. Documents pertaining to the hearings are in the previous article and in the letter below. Read...

Bedford Will Re-Eval After Two Rather Than Five Years

Homeowners received letters from the Town of Bedford’s assessing department with a new property tax valuation. The Town made the decision to re-evaluate every two years instead of every five. If you wish to appeal your new valuation, YOU HAVE ONLY UNTIL AUGUST...