Jeff Goley and the Income Tax

Jeff Goley (D) will be opposing David Boutin (R) in the general election for Senate District 16 on February 16, 2010. CNHT is opposed to a statewide income or sales tax. We ask that all candidates running in any 2010 election for NH House or Senate who have not done...

Lowering Business Taxes (HB 1464 and HB 1616)

Update: HB 1616-FN-A will create an exemption from the business enterprise tax for new businesses in New Hampshire. Please write to the House Ways and Means Committee to ask them to SUPPORT this bill. The next hearing is on February 11, 2010 at 11:30 AM in LOB Room...

BET Credits (HB 1603)

HB 1603 was heard by the House Ways and Means Committee on January 7, 2010. This post will be updated when there is further information.

Bottle Tax (HB 675)

On January 6, 2010, a vote on the House floor will be taken on HB 675. This bill establishes refundable deposit on beverage containers. Find your Legislators and ask them to OPPOSE this bill.

A Gross Imbalance NH Now Only Ranks Sixth

Back in November Blue Hampshire posted a chart from an ITEP Report, asking why there was no “Tea Party Protest” based on the content of the slide posted. The slide shows the difference in estimated taxes paid as a percentage of income. The presumption is...

Jim Forsythe on the LLC Tax

Jim Forsythe spoke to Brian Tilton of WTPL 107.7 FM at the LLC tax hearing on December 16, 2009. Listen: Visit: NHRLC and RLCNH