Why NH’s Budget Should Concern You

Seacoast Online Now that the budget has been signed in Concord, we are led to believe by our Democrat legislators and leaders that we can all breathe a sigh of relief since the final budget is reasonable, responsible and balanced. Not withstanding the fact that...

State Seems to be Shifting Away From Small-business Owners

State seems to be shifting away from small-business owners I remember when New Hampshire was decidedly pro-small-business. It’s not anymore. New Hampshire historically maintained a favorable climate for business start-ups. There was no income tax. There was no...

Losing the NH Advantage

State seems to be shifting away from small-business owners by Scott Flegal Nashua Telegraph I remember when New Hampshire was decidedly pro-small-business. It’s not anymore. New Hampshire historically maintained a favorable climate for business start-ups. There...

Proud of the Work the N.H. House Democrats Have Accomplished

According to this guest article in Seacoast Online, the Democrats have no shame. Apparently, accomplishments include raising your taxes 38 times… Proud of the work the N.H. House Democrats have accomplished By Terie Norelli With the passage of a responsible and...

NH Budget 38-Tax Nightmare

July 14, 2009 Seacoast Online According to this guest article in Seacoast Online, the Democrats have no shame. Apparently, accomplishments include raising your taxes 38 times… Proud of the work the N.H. House Democrats have accomplished By Terie Norelli With the...

State budget in a word? Sorry, ‘lean’ is not it

July 12, 2009 Peter Bragdon for the Telegraph Have you heard the latest spin by the tax-and-spenders who control state government these days? The Democrats say the new budget passed by the House and Senate and signed by Gov. John Lynch is “lean.” They say...