Who Pays Taxes? Depends on Whom You Know

The New Hampshire Sunday News is not a big fan of taxes. We think they should be kept to an absolute minimum. They should be locally raised and locally spent, thus ensuring some measure of local control and oversight. That said, we believe taxes should be levied...

Who Pays Taxes? Depends on Whom You Know

In the little town of Windsor, two couples have filed suit, alleging that the former tax collector allowed “friends and family” privileges in which they didn’t have to pay their taxes for years and were charged no interest nor had their property...

A Rising Tide of Taxes and Fees

The Josiah Barlett Center for Public Policy, a NH think tank, created this report that outlines at least 38 new taxes and fees that our current Democrat legislature and Governor has imposed on the people of NH. Summary: So far this year, the legislature has passed 38...

Democrat Tax Increases for 2009

This information is courtesy of Rep. Bill O’Brien (R) Mont Vernon, co-chair of the NH House Republican Alliance, who compiled the file Tax Increases for 2009 The court will be posting all new and increased fees on its website tomorrow. Generally here is what to...

New tax could put campgrounds out of business

According to a report by NH’s Senator Jeb Bradley, Democrats claim that the new tax on campsites closes a “loophole”. He said, “If budget writers really thought this tax on camping was closing a loophole it is hard to imagine why they would...

Spinning Budget Myths

by Senator Jeb Bradley (R) Dis 3 Supporters of the recently enacted State of New Hampshire budget were quick to claim that it was responsible and that they made tough decisions during difficult economic times. Talk about myth and spin – this budget fits the bill...