Inflating the Numbers: Rail Ridership Estimate is Misleading

by Jane Aitken Was this an innocent error or another attempt to fool the public? So far, it has gone uncorrected. Many of us cannot believe that almost a month has passed since Dan Innis wrote his June 16 Union Leader opinion piece insisting on “strong...

Governor Sununu Do You Hear Us?

The Governor has so far been ignoring our pleas and hundreds of petitions to VETO SB 241, the commuter rail boondoggle bill which passed both Houses along party lines. Despite misleading reports citing a million people want MBTA commuter rail extended to Concord, the...

There are Bills, Then There are “Stealth” Bills

Some of our local taxpayer groups have been keeping track of bills that would affect local government, and in particular, the taxes and property rights of the owners of single family homes. A compilation of what they recommend to be vetoed as well as bills hidden...

Tell the House: NO on SB 241

Word has it (not posted yet on bill status page) that the House Public Works and Highways Committee has ‘recommended’ that SB 241 (the Commuter Rail Boondoggle for “project development, analysis, and funding”) “Ought to Pass”. The...

Dunbarton’s Petition to Hold Special Meeting Denied

When the town of Dunbarton found over a million dollars in surplus, the town asked for a special meeting to decide what to do with it. The petition was denied because it did not satisfy the requisites for special meetings per RSA 197:3. The decision was that the extra...

Dunbarton Has Spoken, Make the School District Listen!

Due to a clerical error, the Dunbarton School District has discovered an extra $1,059,000.00 in their budget. The School Board wants to retain that $1,059,000.00 and use it to “lower” taxes over 5 years instead of returning this money to the taxpayers in...