The Windsor Way

by Ed Naile Now that the Windsor municipal audit of years 2000 – 2007, also known as “The Missing Years” is officially in in our small Peyton Place it may be time for reflection. Some $350,000.00 is in limbo, missing, uncollected, vaporized, eaten by...

Business groups launch BET credit offensive

June 2, 2009 NH Business Review BAE Systems, the largest manufacturing employer in the state, also has one of the state’s biggest business enterprise tax bills, roughly $4 million a year. But BAE hasn’t had to pay much of it, maybe even all of it, because it has been...

Anti-business lawmakers must be stopped now

May 31, 2009 Fosters Higher taxes is no substitute for cuts in spending “The Senate Finance Committee wants the Legislature to suspend the business enterprise tax credit. Why? Because members of the committee and others in the Senate and House are afraid to...

Controversial Proposal Would Add Tax To Mortgage Refinancing

May 29, 2009 WMUR-TV Critics Say Proposal Would Hurt Homeowners Seeking Refinancing CONCORD, N.H. — Critics are saying a new proposal in the state budget could hurt those who need help making their mortgage payments. At a time when interest rates are near record...

Failed Candidate Still Pushes for Income Tax

Once again, failed candidate Mark Fernald and his band of outsiders is pushing for an income tax. From a recent NHBR article: Income tax gets a boost at forum “The Milford Town Hall was the location for a forum on Wednesday night hosted by the Granite State Fair...


The NH Legislature is considering raising the tax on gasoline by 83% over the next three years. This is unacceptable! Hear the Ad: