New Hampshire’s New Report Card

by Hon. Paul Mirski The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has just released its 2009 “Rich States Poor States” report ranking the economic potential of all the states. New Hampshire, flying high in 2007, has received a flunking grade. In just two short...

Gatsas: Budget is trial balloon for back door income tax

by NH Senator Ted Gatsas Fosters Trial balloons for an income tax: Budget woes and our economic edge “Let’s examine the trial balloons. Currently the State of New Hampshire has an interest and dividends tax of 5 percent; the House has added to that a 5...

State budget hearing draws a crowd in Laconia

April 15, 2009 Laconia Citizen “The session began with Jeff Pattison, the Legislative Budget Assistant who is also a Laconia resident, giving the crowd a capsulized view of the proposed $2.8 billion, two-year budget with a rundown of proposed cuts and tax...

Salt water fishing now will cost you (HB 481)

HB 481 establishes a recreational saltwater license issued by the fish and game department to individuals, charter boats, and party boats for taking finfish in coastal and estuarine waters. Bill Text: The...

Citizens Must Have Say at Board of Assessors (SB 198)

Senate Bill 198 would have added public members to the assessing standards board and require that the chairperson of the board not be a senator or house of representatives member Bill Text: SB 198 The bill was heard by the Senate Executive Departments and...