Tax Day Forum April 17, 2018

On April 17th 2018, US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and “advisor” to the President, Ivanka Trump, came to New Hampshire to speak at a forum about taxes. This is what we gleaned from the subject of internet taxes. As you may have heard, Trump has been...

When a Tax is a Tax on Income

Advancing NH Public Education must hate seniors. At least that is what we can only surmise from their less than impressionable mention of Senator Andy Sanborn’s effective effort to reduce and eventually eradicate the NH state tax on interest and dividends. New...

Regional Carbon Tax? (HB 1230, HB 1544)

House Bill 1230 would set up a study commission to look at the economic impacts a regional or national carbon price would have on New Hampshire. House Bill 1544 would set up a legislative study committee to see what we would need to reach 100 percent renewable energy...

Raymond Deliberative Session February 3

The Town of Raymond will hold its deliberative session on Saturday, February 3 at 10:00 AM at the Raymond High School. Savvy taxpayers know that “local” is where it’s at, to preserve not only your freedoms but your hard earned dollars. If you live in...

NH Taxpayers Still NOT in Favor of Commuter Rail

Despite massive opposition to commuter rail for NH, several businesses have banded together to sell it to the taxpayers. Old technology will not benefit New Hampshire, say most of commuter rail opponents and we think they are correct. The huge train system recently...