Taxing Times Web Edition October 2008

This is the web version of our Taxing Times Election Edition of October 2008. Please download it for your own server, do not cross link please. Paper copies are still available by emailing the webmaster. Taxing Times October 2008

Rochester Concerned Taxpayers Speak

Good news indeed! After over a decade of banging away at the local liberals, we have a huge victory with the passage of the tax & spending cap. With 70% of the votes cast for the cap, Rochester’s voters sent the message loud and clear to the City Council,...

Rochester Wins One For the Taxpayers

Rochester Concerned Taxpayers Association Reaction to Passage of the Tax & Spending Cap Charter Change Amendment With 70% of the vote, the Rochester taxpayers sent the message loud and clear that we want smaller government and less spending. This overwhelming...

Hodes and Porter Not Looking Out for Taxpayers

by Ed Naile As luck would have it, being involved with local taxpayer issues gives one a unique perspective of people who run for office in this small state. Case in point: Ashland, the year 2000, where the Town Manager, Rosie McNamara, misappropriated at least,...

Company Saves Smokers From Tax Increase

From the Union Leader (partial article) SMOKEY SNAFU: The tobacco tax wasn’t supposed to be this messy. It was supposed to go up a quarter this year and raise between $18 million and $23 million. But then lawmakers tried a clever way of keeping grocers happy....

The Windsor Circus Continues

by Ed Naile I have to admit I almost feel a tiny bit of empathy for the hapless Windsor Selectmen who have asked the Hillsboro Superior Court to give them an opportunity for a Special Meeting to immediately raise enough money to pay the NH State Police for patrolling...