Announcing The Taxpayer’s Worst Enemy

The Coalition of NH Taxpayers September 28, 2008 For Immediate Release The Taxpayer’s Worst Enemy At the end of each two-year legislative term, many groups publish scorecards rating each member of the NH House of Representatives. Some even give an award...

Shaheen will give voters higher taxes

Fosters – Shaheen will give voters higher taxes Note: CNHT does not endorse candidates. We will however bring attention to those candidates who we feel are friends or foes of the taxpayer. New Hampshire homeowners are being pummeled with taxes — property taxes....

NH Parents Beware: The School ‘Reformers’ are Coming

September 23, 2008 EdWeek N.H. Seeking to Reinvigorate High Schools One New Hampshire high school student fell in love with accounting while working at a local business. Another attended the recent Democratic National Convention as a campaign volunteer. And a third,...

Blame It On Education Funding, Home Values Up Again

Imagine the surprise of most Bedford homeowners when they received notice of yet another home revaluation, the second one in four years. According to this explanation from the town, you can blame the higher values on the education property tax. Thank you Jeanne...

Tax and Spend, Pack and Leave

by Ed Naile A long time Democrat-voting “Republican” Concord State Rep., Liz Hager, has been delivered a voter fatwa. Gonzo! She did not make the top four out of the four Republicans who were running. Long over due, and congratulations to the grass-roots campaigner...

NH Assessing Standards Board to Hold Nottingham Public Hearing

by Eugene Reed According to NH law (RSA 21-J:14-b), the NH Assessing Standards Board shall hold a series of at least 3 public forums annually throughout the state to receive general comment through verbal and written testimony on assessing guidelines and practices....