Assessors Don’t Raise Your Taxes

Gary Roberge defends the view tax: The challenge to pay property taxes continues to decimate the working class in New Hampshire. Incomes have not kept pace with the relentless increase in local and state budgets. By not voting to eliminate or curtail non-essential...

State Board Denies ‘View Tax’ Exists

by Ed Naile The Assessing Standards Board yesterday defended the practice of factoring a property’s view into its assessment but disputed the existence of a so-called view tax. The board, which is attached to the Department of Revenue Administration, is...

Gary Roberge, Father of the ‘View Tax’

In an interview on NH Public Radio with Gary Roberge of Avitar Associates, the firm that does much of the assessing of property in NH in order to determine their taxes, one could hear the reason Gary Roberge of Avitar gave for having recently stepped down from the...

Gary Roberge Resigns From NH Assessing Standards Board

by Ed Naile Is somebody taking their bat and glove home from the game? What, the rules changed and suddenly we don’t want to play any more? Tsk, tsk. Everything was peachy and keen when certain people made up the rules, but just as soon as the going gets...

Followup on Windsor RTK Issue

by Ed Naile To follow up on a story about JJ Valera of Windsor who was forced to go to Hillsborough Superior Court, North to get “permission” from the Town of Windsor to film the Annual Meeting there – we “won”! Judge Conboy, with several sets of film crews (one was...

What the Assessor Didn’t Tell You

by Eugene Reed This is a response to Gary Roberge, the CEO of Avitar, the property-assessing company: Government spending does create the need for taxes. However, unfair, inaccurate, unfounded opinions and flawed software are only some of the assessing abnormalities...