Town Meeting 2017: Can Raymond Afford a New $7M Police Department?

The Raymond Police Department (RPD) wishes to have a new approximately $7M facility built on town property, adjacent to the current PD/FD. But, does the amount of crime currently justify it? Note: Last night’s meeting was canceled due to inclement weather, and...

Rochester Resets the Bar

by Lou Archambault, Rochester NH Taxpayers, think about this when you finally get your Rochester Tax Bill. There was a time when we received the tax bill “before” elections. Then we began receiving them after the election. Now, to my great surprise, (not)...

Eagle Tribune Editorial: NH canoe tax is a desperate money grab

Eagle Tribune Editorial: NH canoe tax is a desperate money grab A commission formed to find ways to improve the “sustainability” of Fish and Game recommended that New Hampshire start charging. Now the chairman of the commission, state Sen. Robert Odell, R-Lempster,...

Stop State Income Tax

The Republican Liberty Caucus has put up an informative website regarding the expansion of Medicaid in NH.

It’s Not Too Early to Start Thinking About Town Meetings

It’s Not Too Early to Start Thinking About Town Meetings. Here’s why. Regionalism is being promoted by HUD FEDERAL grants which want to come in and change your town’s look, rules, regulations and zoning. Here is a recent document from NH House on...

A Tip Of The Cap To Ya

There is always some news story about spending caps in New Hampshire, most of it about how bad they are. The term “spending cap” is always turned on its head to become a “tax cap.” But we can lump them together if you want. Chalk it up to intellectual laziness and...