Bill Updates

Some of the things legislators voted to do: (2013) – Kill the repeal of the business tax credit system for school choice – Kill the Democrat gas tax increase – Kill the Democrat tobacco tax increase – Stop the re-implementation of the...

No to Bailout of FRM Victims

SB 180 is a bill that establishes a restitution fund for people who were defrauded by FRM.  The people who were defrauded, most of whom appear to live outside New Hampshire, are seeking compensation from the New Hampshire State Government for their losses. This...

HB 617 Would Increase Gas Tax by 67%

On WEDNESDAY the NH House will vote on HB 617 which would increase the gasoline and diesel tax in the state by 67%. This unnecessary burden and job-killing tax hike on our families and business owners must be stopped. Contact your House Members today and ask them to...

Increased Transportation Fees (HB 617)

This week, the NH Public Works and Highways committee voted “Ought to Pass” on HB 617, which deals with “Increasing the rate of the road toll, increasing the vehicle registration fee, and establishing the New Hampshire state and municipal road and...

NH Reps (R) Who Voted For Gas Tax Increase

From former Speaker Bill O’Brien: Here is the LIST OF GOP REPS WHO VOTED TO INCREASE NEW HAMPSHIRE’S GAS TAX BY A BILLION DOLLARS David Hess (Hooksett), Deputy Republican Leader Shawn Jasper (Hudson), Republican Whip Frank Tilton (Laconia)* Mark McConkey...

State Budget Hearings

This month, there will be 5 regional NH House hearings in the NH state budget. This is your chance to show up and say that you are against the proposed gas tax increase, the cigarette tax increase, the budget increase and that you want to see the budget CUT so that...