There are many destructive groups that are working at the LOCAL level to raise your taxes. HOWEVER, they are funded and enabled by the VERY SAME PEOPLE doing the destruction at the state and federal levels. GSFTC is one of those groups. Please plan to attend one or...
A few years ago, The Granite State Fair Tax Coalition tried to mount a campaign against those candidates taking the CNHT Pledge against broadbased taxes by introducing a confusing warrant article on the ballots of NH’s town elections. Some folks were fooled by...
Typically among the candidates for state offices it is usually Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents who take the Pledge. Democrats are invited but to date, only two have taken the Pledge. CNHT challenges all Democratic state candidates to take the Taxpayer...
According to the so-called Granite State ‘Fair Tax’ Coalition (NOT to be confused with the Coalition of NH Taxpayers) is coming to speak to Bedford voters on the 23rd. Their leader Rev. Exner stated: “Our group does not favor any one...
At Ease with the Pledge During the only televised debate for governor last fall, a question was read carefully. “It would not be election season in New Hampshire without the following question: Do you pledge to veto any broad based sales or income tax?” Gov. John...
Seacoast Online – Residents take shots at ‘NH advantage’ The income and sales tax advocates are at it again. We strongly suggest they read the Yankee Institute’s study “15 Years of Folly” which is available on this blog under Documents to find...