This pamphlet defines the issue and the problems with the attack on single-family zoning. The note to journalists would be well-heeded by us all. “A note to journalists If you are writing or speaking about single-family zoning, please take care to use...
“Alexa Carpenter: NH’s Housing Crisis: a product of vocal NIMBYs and a silent majority” is misleading and wrong. First of all, Carpenter typically cites a Saint Anselm College poll with the claim that “two-thirds of New Hampshire voters agree...
Every town in NH needs a group like this. Behold the accomplishments of the NKTA: Since founding in 2015, NKTA has pushed consistently for two points: – Reduce school cost increases – because costs were way above NH averages – Improve student results...
by Ed Naile What the Hell is Going on in Bradford? This small town is barely over the Ghislaine Maxwell extravaganza and two members of the Select Board quit one week after a Fire Dept. Captain was arrested for sexual assault. Let’s just deal with the selectmen for...
Dear Candidates for NH Senate and House: We’ll get to the bottom line right away but hope candidates and current legislators will read this in full to get yourselves up to speed. The bottom line: the issue of zoning being taken over by the Feds via AFFH (refers...
The Governor of NH has issued this Emergency Order #23 Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04. [PDF] Temporary modification of municipal and local government statutory requirements