Free Cheese

Maybe we can stay on the NH Municipal Association for a couple more days before it gets back to its regular way of doing business outside the eye of most of the public. Here is how they work: NHMA is supposed to get bargain prices for insurance for municipalities....

A Fool And His Fancy Equipment

I certainly hope these guys know what they are doing. It has become popular in some local police departments to militarize in case of an “emergency.” Maybe the local guys need a short...

Meredith Elections Letter to the Editor

Don’t elect people who are for Sustainable Communities Initiative by Rosemary Landry, Meredith I was at a selectman meeting in Meredith on January 28. During the open comments part of the meeting, five citizens expressed their concerns about the Granite State...

Regional Planning Meeting Becomes Contentious

It would be hard to categorize this subject since the Regional Planning Commissions are not elected by the public. Where do they fall with respect to public input? How Do You Crash an Open House? Just Ask the NHTPC

How Just a Few Voters CAN Make a Difference (FSP)

Please read how a few voters who cared enough to attend their deliberative session may have saved the taxpayers from further confiscation of their money. “The voters of Keene still have to approve the proposed budget at the Second Session of the annual Winter...