Merrimack and Henniker in the News

OCTOBER 11 – TOWN COUNCIL DISCUSSES GSF in MERRIMACK This Thursday, October 11th, at 7:00 PM the Merrimack Town Council will be meeting to discuss participating in the Granite State Future program. The Councilors meet in the Merrimack Town Hall, 6 Baboosic Lake...

Nashua Regional Planning Committee to Meet 9/19

The Nashua Regional Planning Commission (NRPC) is holding their Executive Committee and regular Commission meetings, this Wednesday night, September 19th, in Milford ( The Nashua RPC is the organization that is spearheading the Granite State...

The Granite State Futures Plan on Salem Agenda 9/17

The town of Salem, NH has put “The Granite State Futures” program on their agenda tonight, for September 17th. The meeting will be held in the Knightley Room on the bottom floor of the town hall and starts at 7:00 PM. There are two times, one at the beginning and one...

Agenda 21 in NH

Rosa Koire’s excellent exposé of the UN’s Agenda 21 as it is being implemented by ICLEI, regional planners, in the form of a program called “Granite State Futures” and paid for with EPA/HUD/DOT grants. Part I of V If the above video does not...

Why Town Shouldn’t Have Approved SCI (Windham NH)

Why Town Shouldn’t Have Approved SCI by Ken Eyring, Windham NH “On June 4, the Windham Board of Selectmen approved Windham’s participation in a $100M Federal Planning Program that is designed to ultimately produce a Land Use and Resource Planning document...

ALERT! Rochester Hearing June 5th on HUD Grant

The Rochester City Council’s meeting agenda for this evening, 5 June, lists as Item #6 “Public Input Relative To Sustainable Communities Letter Authorization”; and as Item #12 “Sustainable Cities Agreement”. We are asking for citizens to...