Town Employees May Not Use Credit Cards for Personal Use

WINDHAM — A proposed change to town policy would prohibit employees from using municipal credit cards for personal purchases. The proposal came in response to three recommendations the town auditor made to the selectmen Monday night. Certified public accountant...

Windsor: Running Out of Ideas and Time

by Ed Naile All the blubbering resignations, blame, and heroic tales of self-sacrifice spread before the residents of Windsor, NH who showed up at the Town hall to hear Select Board Chair Tom Carlson abruptly resign really amount to business as usual. In the...

State Police Put Brakes on Chaos in Windsor

WINDSOR – The smallest town south of the White Mountains has become a hotbed of hostility lately, and New Hampshire State Police have stepped in to bring order to the community. Windsor, a triangle of land located at the northwestern tip of Hillsborough County with a...

Update on Unpaid Taxes in Windsor, NH

by Ed Naile Let us return to the Town of Windsor dear readers. No police department, no highway crew, no school, no library, no bloated retirement program for former employees – almost a low-tax nirvana you might say – except of the “Immoral Windsor...

Homeowners in Sandown Will be Notified of Tax Card Changes

SANDOWN — Selectmen voted to adopt the policy of notifying homeowners in writing of any changes to their tax cards after the revaluation is complete. Brenda Copp and Sandra Graves asked the board to affirm the policy voters approved in March. “The first part of...

NH Board of Tax and Land Appeals Makes Unprecedented Decision

by Eugene T. Reed Public Member – Assessing Standards Board Many Selectmen refuse to take an active role in determining the merits of a taxpayer’s abatement application. Some rely exclusively upon the “recommendations” of contract assessors. Many municipalities are...