Important Meetings

Nip these private corporate interests in the bud. NH Listens is the PR firm of a private corporation that has been embraced by our public universities. They are NOT representing the voice of the ‘community’ as they claim. They are attempting to steer the...

NH LISTENS (PR Firm) Now Invading Town Meetings

As predicted would happen, one of the PR firms that is being used by the Regional Planning Commissions to shape the debate and guarantee the outcome for the benefit of the American Planning Association’s implementation of the federal HUD/EPA/DOT’s...

Grafton Cuts Budget by 10%

Taxpayers who attended their town meeting were able to cut Grafton’s budget by 10% at the deliberative session. A vote to cut it by 20% failed by one vote. The full vote will be taken at the regular town meeting in March. This underscores the importance of...

Salem NH

Upcoming issues for Town of Salem, NH can be seen here.

Bedford School Board Votes in Budget Despite NO Support

The Bedford School Board wants to raise the budget about $800k and give the teachers a raise. NOT ONE PERSON SUPPORTED this budget who spoke. So what does the board do? Vote to support the budget as presented. One more example of how the school spenders do not give a...

Nashua Regional Planning Committee to Meet 9/19

The Nashua Regional Planning Commission (NRPC) is holding their Executive Committee and regular Commission meetings, this Wednesday night, September 19th, in Milford ( The Nashua RPC is the organization that is spearheading the Granite State...